Getting Children To Brush Their Teeth

Article | 2022-08-14 11:27:50

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Getting Children To Brush Their Teeth

    Dental problems in children can be an issue for the parents. Dental caries in children is one sign of poor oral hygiene. The role of parents in teaching children to maintain oral hygiene is very important. Maintaining oral hygiene can be done by brushing your teeth, but getting children to brush their teeth is not an easy thing to do. This thing should get serious attention from every parent because the delay in getting children to practice dental hygiene can cause dental caries and other dental problems can be occurred in the future.

    The question is, when is the right time to teach children to brush their teeth? In fact, there is no specific age recommendation to start teaching children to brush their teeth. However, parents can help children brush their teeth when they are 2 years old and teach them to spit out foam toothpaste from their mouth so they won't swallow them. The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends using toothpaste containing fluoride when a child is 24 months. Children aged 2 years can brush their teeth twice a day with the correct dose.

There are several ways to teach children to brush their teeth, such as:

1. Let the child choose their own toothbrush and toothpaste

    o get children used to brushing their teeth, parents can start by asking them to choose their own toothbrush and toothpaste according to their needs. There are many fruit-flavored toothpastes on the market and children's toothbrushes with attractive colors.

2. Brush your teeth together

    You have to get used to children brushing their teeth together, because children tend to imitate the habits of parents. Make it seem like it's fun to brush your teeth by singing a tooth song or something. You can start directing how to brush your teeth properly and explain when brushing your teeth is in the morning after breakfast and at night before bed.

3. Brush your teeth in front of the mirror

    By brushing their teeth in front of the mirror, children can see how to brush their teeth properly. The step to teach children to brush their teeth properly is to brush the entire surface of the teeth by moving the brush on the front teeth in a sweeping up and down motion. While on the outside of the left and right teeth in a circular motion. Don't forget to clean the inner teeth and chewing surfaces of the teeth. Don't forget to give praise to children to motivate them. Praise the child's success in keeping their teeth clean and praise the cleanliness of their teeth.

    To ensure the health of your child's teeth, start introducing your child to the dentist. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends starting to introduce your child to a dentist when they are one year old. In addition to checking the development of their first baby teeth, getting your child to meet a dentist will eliminate their fear of dentists in the future. Bali Implant Aesthetic (BIA) Dental Center provides the best service for everyone, including children. With an attractive appearance dominated by blue color, children will feel more comfortable during their visit to BIA Dental Center. The dental procedure room offers a refreshing look with a view of the beach on the walls, which will certainly make children feel more relaxed when they meet the dentist.

BIA (Bali Implant Aesthetic) Dental Center
Jl. Sunset Road No.86A, Seminyak, Badung, Bali Indonesia 80361.